Flight Simulator 2002 Fictional A340-600 Garuda Indonesia

Model by FSPainter www.fspainter.com/index.html

This GMAX model AI compatible and ATC recognized aircraft has great framerates, relfective textures with night lihtings, all moving surfaces with stable air dynamics.

This packet has panel of 777-300 and sounds of DC-10.

Unzip the downloded zip file to your FS2002/aircraft main folder with winzip.
Or manualy unzip to a temp folder of your own and move the (FSP A346 GarudaIndonesia) folder to your
FS2002 aircraft folder.

Have fun, and have a nice flight.

Repaint by Anthony Ary from the model of FSPainter.

Garuda Indonesia is the main National and International airlines of The Republic Indonesia, base in Jakarta Indonesia.